To follow up on my last article on how to fish for sander and pike in the heat of the summer
Summer time often rimes with holidays and therefore a bit more time to go fishing. Sadly it is not the best time of year for regular catches, in this article I will explain how I go about fishing this period of the season.
Fishing for zander on soft lures is one of the best ways to catch these fabulous fish.
Gunki Iron Tournament schedule
Even though the teams had 48 hours to register, for the main countries like France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands it was all done in a matter of minutes.
The registrations for the Gunki Iron Tournament where launched on Wednesday the 6th of July.
There are some days on the water that you know you’ll remember for a long time. As often I was on the Leman Lake where I have been working as a professional guide for 14 years.
Suite à ma troisième place au championnat de France de pêche du bord en 2015, je suis sélectionné pour la quatrième fois en équipe de France de pêche des carnassiers.
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